Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday night.

Born 1946 I was 12 years old when my father died and my mother had to bring up 3 of us on her own my brother was 11 and my sister was 9. So this was 1958. Before we all lived in one room in a house belonging to a relative till I was 7 then we moved to a proper house with three bedrooms. I was off school sick it was a Thursday and I went upstairs to wake my dad so we could have some lunch "we called it dinner then" and he would not wake up. My mother was working in a shop in town 3 miles away I had no money no one I knew own a phone or a car so I had to go to a neihbours and borrow money to catch a bus to tell my mother. They took my dad in hospital and he died on Sunday he was 39.
Took my camera out with me on my bike a couple of hours ago thought I might get some decent sunset shot but it was misty, took a few anyway.


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