Sunday, October 22, 2006

Today's pictures.

Not been feeling too well the last couple of weeks don,t know what it is but I don,t feel right. I went to the doctors Friday and they are doing some blood tests "10" so I am waiting for the results now. I have never been ill in 60 years except when I was 12 I had pneumonia which was considered quite serious back in the 50,s. Been off with the odd cold of course but I have hardly ever missed school or work. I sometimes think your better off if your always ill and going to the doctors then nasty things don,t tend to creep up on you, where as if you never go its usually too bloody late when they find something. Had a lot of problems with my bike, still not been for a test yet, have to remove the front wheel tomorrow to fit some secondhand disc I bought from the states which arrived Saturday.

this is our friend Charlottes B&B and tea rooms, she used to have a cafe in a garden centre but the people who owned the garden centre did not want her there so they made life difficult for her so she sold up and bought this place.

A mean looking ball.


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