Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hot one today

must be near 100 degrees today.You see that path above the zig zag path we thought that was a short cut back to our hotel,which is situated near the middle bay you can see in the distance.We had been walking all day in 90 degree heat and we could see that path in the distance so we took it.After half an hour it just ended,did not turn into a track or even fade away it just fucking ended in the middle of a dense wood about 200 yards from a road with no way through,as you can imagine I was not please,we tried to get through but it was impossible so we had to walk all the way back adding an hour to an already exhausting day.
borgenvilleia was ever where so beautiful,it will not grow outdoors where we live in the north of england I also saw two jackeranda trees the last time I saw any of them was in Los Angeles on the road at the side of the tar pits where the museum is.Some tricky words to spell there.


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